Saturday, January 27, 2007

Windows is driving me to the bleeding edge...

of my sanity. Did you know that Ruby's green threads on windows are worthless? Ok, they aren't completely trash, I mean, they do indeed work but the problem is that they don't run in parallel. Kind of a bummer, eh?

It's especially frustrating when I hacked up a dsl and a RESTful service for executing commands on remote clients in a few hours and I have spent an entire day of my life trying to get it to work properly in windows. I guess this is where Ruby's unix prejudice really starts to show (personally, that's fine with me).

So, after finally figuring out why my DRb server was unresponsive after spawning a new thread I figured I would try using JRuby since it uses Java Threads. Let me first say that I'm quite impressed with the work that the JRuby team is doing. However, due to a bug that exists in the 0.9.x branch I was still unable to get DRb to spawn the thread properly either (for totally different reasons). On a sidenote my friend ruby-debug doesn't currently work under JRuby either. I will dig deeper into that problem later, but after spending and 2 hours and getting 'no where' I have moved on.

So I'm switching to edge YARV. That's the bytecode interpreter that's shipping with Ruby 2.0. I read that there are more threading options available in YARV and I'm interested to see if it helps me out at all.


Unknown said...

Here is the cure ... don't use windows :-).

brenton said...

Unfortunately I need this tool to run on linux && windows since it's main job is to fire off selenium jobs that test Firefox and IE. In the end I think I'm going to stick with jruby. It's definitely the most 'enterprise ready' (I know you love that phrase) of the options I tried.


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