Once that code is run the encompassing class will have two methods called 'generate_header' and 'generate_footer'. This approach would be more justifiable if I needed more than just two methods so I may end up ripping it out.
['header', 'footer'].each do |m|
define_method('generate_' + m) {
@widi_config = WEBrick::Config::Widi
file = @widi_config[m.capitalize.to_sym]
if file =~ /rhtml/ && File.exists?(file)
data = open(file) {|io| io.read}
return ERB.new(data).result(binding)
elsif file.nil?
constant = self.class.to_s + '::DEFAULT_' + m.upcase
return constant.split('::').inject(Object) do |x,y|
One thing that did not behave how I expected was Module#const_get. It doesn't handle the ::'s nicely and I had to use an idiom I found in The Ruby Way.
1 comment:
uy.. I need to find a better way to do html syntax highlighting. This was made with enscript and I think blogger is messing it up.
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